This is the factory Case 4490 Tractor parts manual. It contains detailed parts information, exploded diagrams, and breakdowns of all parts numbers for the Case 4490 Tractor. This Case parts manual includes every detail of the engine parts.
This Case 4490 Tractor Illustrated Parts List Manual, also known as the Case 4490 Tractor IPL, covers these areas of the machine:
Engine Equipment
Front Axle and Steering
Rear Axle
Electrical System
Hydraulic System
Sheet Metal
Implement Lift
Operators Platform and Cab
Wheels Tracks
This Case 4490 Tractor parts book manual PDF is indexed and searchable. It is divided into the following sections for fast navigation:
Full Machine Text Index
How To Use Figure Search
General Information – Abbreviations
General Information – Metric to Inches Conversion
For do it yourself tractor repair, service, and parts lookup, Case parts manuals are key to viewing how everything goes together. The Case IPL (Illustrated Parts List) exploded views will also assist you in servicing, rebuilding, teardown, overhauls, repairs, and adjustments. Easy to read Case manual PDF exploded views will simplify part number identification, accurate ordering, and ultimately correct repairs. This factory direct Case parts manual all the original parts information you need to properly look up correct Case 4490 Tractor.
Every Case parts manual is indexed and fully searchable. All Case Manual PDF pages are printable, so its easy to print what you need and take it with you into the garage or workshop. Save money $$ by doing your own service and repairs! This Case 4490 Tractor Parts Catalog makes it easy for any skill level with thousands of clear, easy to understand illustrations! Instant Download of an easy to read pdf means no shipping cost or waiting for a CD to arrive in the mail. You will receive this Case 4490 Tractor Parts Manual Catalog immediately by instant download upon completion of payment. We accept all major credit/debit cards/paypal.
Take advantage of our current online digital download sale price and receive nearly half off the standard price of our printed Case parts manuals.
Source: Case Tractor Service Manual